MondoCon - News

Q: What time will tickets go on sale and RSVPs open?
A: Friday, September 11th at 12:00pm CST

Q: Where can I purchase screening tickets or secure a spot in the panels?
A: All tickets can be secured via Eventbrite, here!

Q: How many tickets/RSVPS can an individual purchase or reserve?
A: Four per person, per screening, panel, or event. Each ticket purchased must be under the name of the individual who will use it to attend the screening.

Q: What if I am unable to RSVP to a panel or free daytime screening?
A: Panel/free screening RSVPs only account for 75% of the seats in the theater. A standby line will form before panels/free screenings to fill all unreserved seats, or any no-show reserved seats.

Q: What if I am unable to purchase a screening ticket?
A: There will be no standby line for evening screenings. Once the theater sells out, unfortunately there will not be any additional seats available.

Q: What time do individuals who RSVP'd need to arrive to a panel?
A: Individuals who RSVP'd should arrive 10 minutes before the panel's listed start time. As soon as the panel starts, the standby line will be granted entry and any remaining RSVPs will be considered void.

Q: Is a pass to MondoCon required to attend panels or screenings?
A: Yes. A two-day pass or a single-day pass for the same day as the panel or screening are required for entry.

Q: Are paid screening tickets transferable or refundable?
A: No. Screening tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable. Identification will be checked at the door and must match with the name on the ticket or RSVP.

Q: If I miss the screening or have to leave early, can I still collect the exclusive poster or vinyl?
A: No. You must attend and be present when the screening ends to collect the event exclusive poster or vinyl.

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