For forty years, FANGORIA has been the premier destination for the genre community to discover all things horror - the “First in Fright." People stole us from video stores, hid us from their parents, and grew up with us. The Fango Family spans decades and generations.
Now based in the great state of Texas, FANGORIA is a quarterly, collectible (coffee-table-worthy) 100-page magazine…as well as a movie studio, a podcast network, a book publisher (as well as a few more things we can’t talk about just yet).
One thing has remained a constant, from our first-ever issue with Godzilla ripping through the cover, to our most recent edition featuring Jordan Peele in conversation with Ari Aster: each Fango still includes those set visits you used to devour, some deep dives into your favorite classics, and that insight you’ve come to expect from The World’s Best Horror and Cult Film Magazine…since 1979.
But it’s been forty years and we’re just a little...different now. The new guard strikes a balance between legacy and evolution, between the comfort of the familiar and the excitement of the unknown. On its 40th anniversary, FANGORIA both feels like home and breaks new ground with every issue.