Shit!I was just at my computer taking some orders for the new
Mark Todd shirts and I got an email from the man himself. The title of the email was "Only look if you want to see your Man-Thing painting." How could I not open it up. Here is what I saw!

I had been at a swap meet south of Austin about two months ago and bought a bunch of comics from an old couple. Nothing really great, but this Micronauts cover screamed for the Mark Todd treatment.

He even added flocking to this one! I'll publicly say it right now, "I love you, Mark!"Check out to see more of Mark's commission pieces and be sure to grab a
shirt and
print set from Mark's new Badass Cinema line he did for us.-JustinP.S. Apparently there were some problems with the new site this weekend and also half the day yesterday. If you tried to purchase something and had problems, we apologize. Everything is fixed now and should work fine. Thanks for you orders, as always!