As I type this, we are stuck in West Virginia at a Hampton Inn waiting for the Roadshow truck to get worked on and I saw everyone talking about the new Cee-Lo Green song called FUCK YOU. If you haven't heard it yet, here it is: It's pretty good, but I couldn't help but think of my FAVORITE song called FUCK YOU. This particular performance is from a documentary called MONDO NEW YORK and the band is called DEAN AND THE WEENIES. The lead singer Dean Johnson is incredibly interesting and when he passed, WFMU did a nice piece about him which you can read HERE. One of my favorite parts is a quote from an interview did with Next Magazine in '98:"I did this song called 'Fuck You' in the film Mondo New York. From that I was able to get a recording contract with Island Records. When they realized I was a gay activist and a drag queen, they freaked out and found an excuse to dump me. They released my record in an unmarked brown paper wrapper and said they were dumping me because the album wouldn't sell. They printed out thousands of CDs of 'Fuck You' and then dumped them into a dumpster behind the Island offices. Homeless people pulled them out of the garbage and sold them for a dollar on St. Mark's and it became a huge phenomenon. That's how I really established myself as a performer back in 1987." How times have changed. One dude's song got popular by homeless people selling it for a buck and one got his song known by retweets on Twitter. The future is here.Which one do you like better?-Justin

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