Thanks to everyone who made it out to our first ever Mondo Mystery Movie! As you may have heard by now, the movie was Akira and the poster was by Tyler Stout. It was a great night, and
really nice to have Tyler and his wife here as our guest on his birthday. (We even had cake to celebrate.) People started lining up a few hours in advance of the show, and by 9:30 the line was out the door. We started things off with some tom foolery + sneak peeks of upcoming Mondo projects, and ended the evening with an opportunity to snag Tyler's amazing rendition of Akira. Already looking forward to the next MMM!
Tyler signing/numbering posters before show
Poster by Tyler Stout. 36 x 24 screen print. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 180.
Poster by Tyler Stout. 36 x 24 screen print. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 80.
If you were there and have photos - we'd love to see them. And stay tuned for news on the next Mystery Movie. It may be sooner than you think...