As previously mentioned, we're really hoping to start utilizing the blog a lot more. One aspect we'd like to bring back on a regular basis is our WE'VE BEEN FRAMED! posts. We'd like you guys to start sending us pictures of any and all Mondo posters you have on display in your homes... offices... wherever, really, so we can start featuring them here on our blog for all to see. Our hope is to update regularly with new posts so you guys can see how others have framed or displayed their posters. Maybe it'll spark an idea.However, a few guidelines to follow... Make sure all pictures you send are at least 700px wide and no more than 72dpi. Be sure the posters you're taking pictures of are displayed. Show us how it relates to the room or if it's in some ornate, awesome frame, take pictures of the ornate, awesome frame. Please send photos that are of good quality. We don't expect professional photography, but use your best judgment.We had such a great response last night that the following post is just a collection of what was delivered to us overnight. In the future, we'd like to vary it up. Sometimes posts, like today, with a collection of frame-ups from various people and sometimes a post focusing on a single individual that has a great collection to show with a few questions and answers. For now, check these out!Thank you to everyone that submitted pictures to us!If you’d like to be featured on future editions of WE’VE BEEN FRAMED!, please send your pictures to eric.garza[at]mondotees[dot]com with the subject line “We’ve Been Framed”

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