Fantastic Fest is still under way at the Alamo for a few more days, but we have officially closed our doors to our 2012 Pop-Up shop. For those who couldn't make it, we debuted the first piece from our upcoming UNIVERSAL MONSTERS gallery show, with a new take on THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON by LAURENT DURIEUX. We also released prints for a few of our favorite films from the fest including DREDD 3D, ROOM 237, a documentary on the numerous conspiracy theories in Kubrick's THE SHINING, and Drafthouse Films' newest acquisition WRONG, a new film from the director of RUBBER. We released a WHAT IF... style poster for the never produced Alejandro Jodorowsky's version of DUNE. There is a terrific documentary about it in the works, keep an eye out. Lastly, the much talked about Martin Ansin prints for LOOPER, which might be a contender for my personal favorite of the year (the prints, and the movie. See it SEPTEMBER 28th).Leading up to the festivities, I was most excited about the debut of our new t-shirt line, 'Brain Damaged,' curated by Tyler Stout. 8 new designs, in various color-ways. It was great to see some of our fans, regular attendees of fantastic fest, incorporating the shirts into their wardrobe over the course of the festival.Mike Saputo's artwork for the annual print, inspired by the Mayan prophecy of the pending end of the world was thematically appropriate. It was nice to be back in the old space, to see familiar faces, and see some great movies but truthfully, it was bitter sweet for many reasons. Mostly because it will be the last time that space is used before Lamar plaza goes under construction. Thank you to everyone who came out to support us. I hope the construction plans leave some room for us next year. We always have a blast at Fantastic Fest.- MoP.S. Most of the left overs from the fest (LOOPER, DREDD, the Brain Damaged shirts, etc.) will see online release in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out in case you weren't able to make it to the fest.