Mitch Putnam's Top 10 Posters of 2015

BADLANDS by Tomer Hanuka

We usually try not to repeat many of the same posters on our lists, but Tomer Hanuka’s Badlands was a favorite of the entire team, so we wanted to commend it four times over. We can’t get enough of working with Tomer, he constantly keeps us on our toes (in the best way possible). We have a lot more coming from him next year, we can’t wait.

THE BROOD by Sam Wolfe Connelly

Getting to work more with painter Sam Wolfe Connelly has been one of my biggest joys of 2015. Sam’s talent is immeasurable, and he’s starting to become more and more comfortable with screenprinting as a medium. Oh, and he’s still in his 20s, so there’s another thing for all of us to feel inadequate about.

COOTIES by Jay Shaw and Jason Edmiston

Our very own Jay Shaw worked with painter Jason Edmiston to turn his Cooties one sheet into a screenprinted Mondo poster. I always secretly had my fingers crossed that we could release a version of this, as it perfectly captures that nostalgic 80s VHS cover aesthetic. Jason is a master of color separations these days, so the final product is a stunner. Proud to have this one out there.


We have all been huge Dan McCarthy fans for the better part of a decade now, so it’s always an absolute honor to work with him. We try to limit our begging to properties that really fit his aesthetic, and it’s hard to find something more fitting than Jurassic Park. Classic McCarthy dinosaur drawings for old-school poster fans. This is why I got into posters in the first place.

MAD MAX: FURY ROAD by Kilian Eng

When we saw Fury Road, our collective hats blew way, way, way off. As we often do with our favorite science fiction films, we approached Swedish illustrator Kilian Eng to create a bright, kinetic, exciting poster. Rarely do posters FEEL so much like the movie, this one nailed it.


I remember when image one came in, I said out loud, “This is the best thing Kevin has ever done.” If you follow his work, you know that’s saying a lot, but I stand behind this statement. The rendering is so lush, so meticulous, you can tell that thousands of hours have been logged to get to this look. It’s also probably the most modern screenprint we released all year. Maybe all film posters will look like this fifty years from now.


This poster definitely split our fanbase down the center, but I’m strongly on the “Love” side of the faultline. It’s pure TMNT nostalgia, so if you are not a fan of this film or the franchise, I imagine this poster looks like an ad for a personal pan pizza movie promotion. That said, us Turtles fans are beyond stoked to have a poster that looks like an ad for a personal pan pizza movie promotion.

THANOS by We Buy Your Kids

When it comes to the best of Australia’s We Buy Your Kids in 2015, it was pretty much a tie between this and their Eternity piece, but holy shit, this Thanos poster is incredible. Moreso than anyone else we work with, Sonny and Biddy find a way to put so much of themselves into every piece. The colors, the skulls, the checkerboard patterns, it’s all very WBYK, yet fits perfectly in the Marvel universe, too. Also top human beings prize.

DARK PHOENIX by Becky Cloonan

I’ve been lucky to become very good friends with Becky this year, and working with her is one of my favorite things to do. She has great ideas, she can draw anything, and she is the world’s most entertaining person to email and text with (her .gif game is on point). She is really getting better every day, developing a stronger and stronger understanding poster composition and screenprinting. I can’t wait to work with her more in 2016, we have a ton planned.


My favorite comic of 2015 also turned into one of my favorite Mondo posters of the year. If you haven’t read Wytches yet, please grab the trade paperback, you will not be disappointed. It’s fiercely original and already one of the scariest comics of all-time. Mondo works best when we are partnered with a property that we feel strongly about, and we couldn’t like this book and team of creators anymore than we do. Do us a favor, seek out their work.

MITCH PUTNAM, Creative Director

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