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Black lives matter.

The world is hurting and we have to be better. We cannot be silent. We have to say no to hatred and inequality of any kind. Black Lives Matter, and we stand in support of those protesting police brutality and the systemic racism that has persisted in our country. We stand against racism, bigotry, sexism, and homophobia. We stand against injustice. We stand for inclusion.

We won't be announcing or releasing any new products this week. We all have a lot to do, and at Mondo we will continue to listen, to work for positive change, and to strive to be better. We have to be.

Many of us at Mondo are donating to national and local organizations. If you have the means, or are able to support in any way, we ask that you consider donating as well.

Split Donations for Bail Funds
Split a donation between 39 community bail funds. Your contribution will be divided evenly between Bukit Bail Fund of Pittsburgh, NorCal Resist Activist Bail & ICE Bond Fund, and 36 other groups.

Black Lives Matter
An ongoing movement to end State-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.

American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU has been at the center of nearly every major civil liberties battle in the U.S. for more than 100 years.

Austin Justice Coalition
Austin Justice Coalition is a Racial Justice Group that educates and builds community power for people of color who live in Austin, Texas that need support, community, and liberation during a time of systemic injustice in America.

Black Mamas Community Collective
We are a group of everyday women dedicated to an extraordinary movement to save the lives of Black mothers.

Measure Austin
Empowering underrepresented communities with data and education to eliminate social disparities. 

Center for Innovation in Race, Teaching, and Curriculum
The mission of the Center for Innovation in Race, Teaching, and Curriculum is to conduct research and professional learning around topics of knowledge and race in a variety of educational spaces including educational policy, teacher practice, and school curriculum. We will work to achieve this mission through our scholarly activities and by working with teachers across the state.

African American Youth Harvest Foundation
We effectually address disparities and ensure low-barrier access to vital educational, economic, and enrichment resources to underserved, at-risk youth and their families on their path to self-sufficiency

Know Your Rights
Colin Kaepernick's fund for the legal defense of arrested protesters.

Black Visions Collective
Black Visions Collective (BLVC) believes in a future where all Black people have autonomy, safety is community-led, and we are in right relationship within our ecosystems.

Campaign Zero
"We can live in a world where the police don't kill people by limiting police interventions, improving community interactions, and ensuring accountability."

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