DOOM SLAYER 1/6 Scale Figure First Look!

With the release of the very eagerly awaited DOOM: ETERNAL today (or very, very, very, very, very eagerly awaited in my household), we wanted to get you a look at something we're working on, and hoping to make available very soon- the DOOM SLAYER 1/6 Scale Figure! 

This boy is BEEFY, so we're taking the extra time to make sure he's ready to slay some Cacodemons and Hellknights. What you're going to see below are all works in progress, and the final figure may not come with everything shown, but we can promise he'll come with A LOT. The sculpture is based on the in-game files, with sculptor Anissa Tchoub putting a lot of care put into articulating him and adding fun details.

First up is the product layout by Joe Allard, what we use as a basis of what we want to the figure to come with: 

Here are the basics he'll come with - hands, arm blade (retracted and extended), and shoulder cannon:

Chainsaw, which when used in the game, gives you ammo!

The Crucible Sword, which is a new weapon. I imagine it being like a lightsaber from Hell.

The BFG-9000 and Lost Soul demon!

And finally some looks at The Doom Slayer himself, in various pieces.

All together, (almost) ready to take on legions of demons!

Hope you have a blast playing the game, and when you're back from Hell, you're also ready to take the battle into your collection! More updates on the DOOM SLAYER 1/6 Scale Figure to come!

Raze Hell,

-Brock Otterbacher, Creative Director of Toys & Collectibles

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