Jay Shaw's Top 10 Posters of 2016

Jay Shaw, Brand Director


Kilian just slays me. Give that dude any film with a sense of atmosphere and he comes back with a work of art. Silent Running is one my favorite sci-fi films of all time and this poster fits the vibe perfectly.

ROSEMARY'S BABY by Jonathan Burton

Rosemary’s Baby is tough. You’ve got a horror film that doesn’t much bother with being a horror film for most of its runtime. It’s about a relationship and femininity and paranoia. Jonathan’s solution to have the viewer peek in from a god’s eye view on an isolated and vulnerable woman in the clutches of something evil is just great.


2016 is the year of Rory Kurtz. This guy just turns in hit after hit. I could probably include any of his posters in this slot but I want to recognize how damn beautiful this Clockwork Orange piece is.

IDIOCRACY by Shepard Fairey

I’m a big fan of Shepard Fairey. He’s unapologetic and intelligent in his approach to design. His strong sense of constructivism gets his message across without compromise or dilution. When we asked him to create a poster for Idiocracy we really had no idea what he’d come back with. He nailed it.

THE INCAL by Florian Bertmer

If you’re going to pay tribute to Moebius you’d better do it right. Florian did that and then some here. Points if you can find the Rob Jones easter egg in this one.


João’s art is almost frustratingly beautiful. There’s something in the way he lights his illustrations that almost feels ghostly, but without being soft. This is one hell of a poster.

UNDER THE SKIN by Matthew Woodson

I think this one is going to make quite a few top 10 lists this year, and for good reason. Woodson will not let up on a poster until it’s perfect. The amount of detail he can portray while not crowding the overall image totally confuses me as an artist. This poster is gorgeous and smart and I love it.

THE MARTIAN by Oliver Barrett

I didn't love this movie. I didn’t hate it either but the goofy tone never quite matched the weight of the plot in my mind. Oliver did a phenomenal job with the poster though. This poster is the perfect representation of what I wished the film were.

PLANET OF THE APES by Marc Aspinall

Marc Aspinall has been something else this year. He blows me away not only with his pitch perfect classic aesthetic but also his conceptual prowess. Marc had never seen this movie when we assigned it to him. In a few short days he watched the film, digested the story and era-specific vibe, and sent over a sheet of concepts we had a tough time picking from. Every solution made perfect sense. Ultimately we went with the most “movie poster” of the bunch and I just love how it came out.

FIGHT CLUB OST by Alan Hynes

I don’t care if this isn’t a poster. It’s the best damn packaging I’ve ever seen. When I grow up I want to be Alan Hynes.

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