MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE 1/6 Scale Collection!

For all you MOTU fans out there, we wanted to highlight our MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE 1/6 Scale Figure Collection, as many classic characters are in-stock, as well as limited quantities of a few sold-out favorites.

We moved warehouses at the end of last year, and this meant that a few items had stock numbers that were lost in the shuffle. In this case, this is to some of your advantages, as we have put limited quantities of Scareglow back in stock, and very, VERY limited quantities of the Designer Con Exclusive Skeletor back in stock (literally less than 20pcs). After these are gone, they're gone for good.

In addition to that, we have an unboxing that yours truly did of the Mondo Exclusive Mer-Man. I give you a closer look at the figure, and walk you through some of the thought that went into the design of the figure. We'll do more of these in the near future.

Finally, since you all know (or should know, anyway!) Man at Arms is the next in our 1/6 Scale Figure line, and I wanted to give you a couple of new looks at the figure. If you're wondering, the Mondo Exclusive will include both Orko in a Jar mini fig, and the interchangeable Snake Head!

And since I'm feeling generous, how about some teases of upcoming figures in the line? These are just concepts, and pending approval, but it'll give you an idea of where we're going with the line. For even more sneak peeks, and a few more new pics of Man at Arms, be sure to read my new interview with!

See you in Eternia (and Etheria!),

- Brock Otterbacher, Creative Director of Toys & Collectibles

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