Mitch Putnam, Creative Director
2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY by Matthew Woodson
Matthew took an unbelievable leap this year, rising to one of the top spots in poster-dom. This piece - from start to finish - was a winding road that required a bit of experimentation. Once in awhile, that’s how the greatest things are made.
EX MACHINA by Rory Kurtz
I absolutely love working with Rory. He’s passionate about film, has great ideas, and is a really smart businessperson. He also turns in some of the best film posters I’ve ever seen. We need more of him.
GREEN ROOM by Oliver Barrett
I feel like this poster represented a big turning point in Oliver’s career. His work fits perfectly here. Oliver has always been a great friend, so getting to work with him more has become one of the great pleasures of my job.
WIND RIVER by Matt Ryan Tobin
Speaking of artists that majorly leveled-up in 2017, Matt Ryan Tobin has become one of the most consistently impressive artists we work with. This poster caught a lot of people by surprise, myself included. It just proves that Matt can do almost anything asked of him, even if it seems outside of his typical wheelhouse.
GET OUT by Jay Shaw
I always really love when Jay finds time to create new movie posters. He boiled one of my favorite films of 2017 down to a stark, stunning image. He’s still the best at that.

ADVENTURE TIME by Dave Quiggle
Dave Quiggle has been on our radar for quite awhile, but we never knew how his work would translate to a movie poster. Turns out, pretty fucking seamlessly.

Martin showed once again that he’s a master of composition, rendering, and design. His work just gets better and better, I can’t wait to see more.

SNOW WHITE by Tom Whalen
This one is Tom at his best. The colors, the depth, the type, they’re all impeccable. I think the community sometimes takes Tom’s work for granted, and we should really recognize him more often for the very rare talent he is.
PINOCCHIO by Jessica Seamans
This poster went through a few changes early on, but I’m so blown away by how it turned out. Jes takes no shortcuts, even rendering every leaf on the underwater plants to death. There’s a ton of depth and painstaking work here; it’s one to really sink into.

Ghost in the Shell by Becky Cloonan
GHOST IN THE SHELL can be a tough film (or manga) to work from, but Becky is really up for tough challenges. Here, she she created a smart, sleek, beautiful poster (aka exactly what she’s best at).