The Mondo Comics Authority has approved two new repros from legends Walter Simonson and Bernie Wrightson.
THOR #337 marks Simonson’s first THOR issue as well as the introduction of the righteous Beta Ray Bill and is planetfalling in both standard and foil variants.
Plus, we’re debuting our first SWAMP THING repro ... co-creator Wrightson’s gnarly cover work deserves to be displayed in a large format, so we’re honored to bring you SWAMP THING #9!
All three screenprinted posters arrive Thursday, April 4 at 12 NOON CT on The Drop at

THOR #337 Screenprinted Poster. Artwork by Walter Simonson. 24" x 36". Edition of 165. Printed by VGKids. Ships to Select Countries. Estimated Shipping July 2024. $80

THOR #337 Screenprinted Foil Variant Poster. Artwork by Walter Simonson. 24" x 36". Edition of 65. Printed by VGKids. Ships to Select Countries. Estimated Shipping July 2024. $100
"Doom! The hammer drops with THOR Issue #337 - introducing Thor's greatest rival-turned-ally Beta Ray Bill and beginning Walter Simonson's legendary 5 year run on the title. Simonson wrote, penciled and inked this issue, and his iconic cover set the stage for one of the most epic stories in all of comics."
-Justin Goers, Production Designer & Color Separation

SWAMP THING #9 Screenprinted Poster. Artwork by Bernie Wrightson. 24" x 36". Edition of 215. Printed by VGKids. Ships to Select Countries. Estimated Shipping July 2024. $80
"DC-oddity-turned-cult-fan-favorite SWAMP THING gets the pinup cover treatment by co-creator and legendary horror illustrator Bernie Wrightson. Wrightson's intricate detail and dynamic composition mirror the depth and tortuous path of the tragic hero across his often dark journey for justice and reconciliation."
-Justin Goers, Production Designer & Color Separation