Black Friday

Black Dragon x Mondo #23: Red Desert

The 23rd release with our friends at Black Dragon Press is a brand new poster for Michelangelo Antonioni’s RED DESERT with artwork by the excellent Katherine Lam. RED DESERT is Antonioni’s first color film, and rather than showing us the stereotypical sunny, happy Italy we’d expect, the director takes us to a bleak, industrial town for a masterful, and at times oppressive, study of modernity and alienation. It is this bleak industrial landscape that Katherine Lam has placed front and center in her poster, made beautiful by her innate elegance and deft use of color.

Printed on 300gsm Gmund Bauhaus archival paper
Artist Katherine Lam
Property Red Desert
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Product information
Edition size 100
Height 24"
Printer White Duck Editions
Print type Screenprint
Width 18"