Kid - Original Motion Picture Score LP

Distributed title
Senjan Jansen's score for the 2012 Belgian film Kid by Fien Troch (Best Score winner at Aubagne International Film Festival 2013).
Composer Senjan Jansen
Artist Clara-Lane Lens
Label Pool Needle
Property Kid
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A subtle soundtrack. That’s how the press described the music to Kid (2012), Fien Troch’s third feature film. And that makes sense. After all, Senjan Jansen is a sound designer, not a composer.

For this album Jansen chose not to deliver individual tracks, but to compile a complete A and B side. The order of the music doesn’t necessarily accord with the movie and was thought out by his assistant Bert Aerts. “For a minute I couldn’t see the forest through the trees, so I had him decide on the sequence. Side A starts with the credits, everything else is pretty much chronological. Moreover, I really hate naming my songs. Let alone splitting up my music into tracks. Most songs are just notes evolving. The best thing to do is just put this album on and let it wash over you. Both sides stand on their own and fade out naturally. That’s what works best for me.”

Robin Broos (author of The Original Soundtrack)